I'm in that surrealistic state where, having done the Corona-virus test due to having symptoms of a flu-like virus, but not being as of yet confirmed, I'm in obligatory isolation * . Free to roam my own home, but not to touch or breathe on items others might come in contact with. I'm afraid to make my own cup of coffee or to scramble an egg lest I inadvertently infect my loved ones. From my wife of 45 years, I maintain a respectful 2 to 3 meters distance - to touch her, to hold her hand, would be the ultimate violation of my circumstance. No one, other than her, can enter our home. I should in good conscience meet no one at the door. I'm in a state of ultimate isolation - at one and the same time, I'm separated from everyone who populates my world while at the same time I dwell within their midst in my private little burble of infection. N.B. * My esteemed friend Eliyahu Schiffman brought to my attention the fact that "self-imposed isolation" (the origi...